Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

As many of you may know the lovely company I work for is looking to outsource their IT Department. They've been telling us for about two months that we'll know what is going to happen the end of July or first of August. So I'm thinking we should know what's going to happen sometime this week.... not so fast my friends. They did tell us one important tidbit yesterday, the Board of Directors have unanimously decided that it IS a good plan to outsource IT and has given their blessing to our CIO to move forward. So it's looking like we will have to wait a couple of more weeks before we know anything. I guess it's not all that bad, at least I know I will be getting at least one more paycheck.

To hear these words in song please check out one of the Greatest Bands from North America.


The Soffe said...

Since when has a Board of Directors thought outsourcing jobs was a bad idea? I'm sure they couldn't be replaced. Keep hanging in there...and great clip by Mr. Petty. Don't back down!

The Soffe said...

I would like MORE HARD HITTING FACTS about Wade, Amber, Jali and Jack. For example...What does Wade do when he's not working? Is Wade handy around the house like his friend Beaver? Is Amber a member of any book clubs? Does Amber still experiment with Wade's hair? What are Jali and Jack up to these days?

Mindy Burns said...

Ahhh Tom and the Heartbreakers....Brian would agree that they're the GREATEST BAND too. They were pretty good in concert, too! I'm happy you guys are staying!!! We need another double date soon.